Simple Steps Involved In iPhone Data Recovery Which You Can Share With Your Friends

iPhone Data Recovery

Did you accidentally delete your iPhone data? Don’t have an iTunes or iCloud backup to restore your data? Well, you are not alone, many iPhone user has encountered a similar situation at some point in time. Now the question is, whether you can recover data when there is no backup to come to your rescue. For iPhone Data Recovery without backup, you have to make use of some third party software’s. The thing about iPhones is that when you delete your file, they are not permanently deleted. The data only changes its position form allocated to the unallocated folder. When you add new files, the unallocated space will get filled; thus your old files will go in the dark. To restore the older files, what you need is reliable data recovery software. Check out the steps to restore iPhone data, by making use of the software.

iPhone Data Recovery Without Backup

  • Connect Your Device And Start the Recovery: After you install the software on your system, click on the recovery from IOS option. After this, you will see the files types that the software can recover. Select the type of file you need and connect your iPhone with the system to start the recovery process.
  • Start the Scanning Process: Based on the type of file you selected, the recovery software will carry out the scanning process. You have to wait patiently, as the process may take some time.
  • Preview Data and Recover Files: Once the scan is over, you can preview all the lost data files in different categories. Now, select the files under each category that you want to recover and click on the recover button. The next step is to create a folder, where you want to store your lost data.

iPhone Data Recovery Singapore

In addition to the above procedure, you can also take help from experts to Restore iPhone Data in Singapore. Data –X repair centre is your one-stop destination, where you can get all the assistance related to data recovery from iPhone.

Direction for DataX Repair Centre

Making Data Recovery Possible From a Failed SSD

The hard drives had mechanical parts. Therefore, the chances of failure were more. Solid state drives replaced the mechanical hard disks and drives for storing data in a more reliable manner, but they do fail sometimes. Also, solid state drives and regular hard drives are prone to failure so whichever type of hard drives we are using, we must make sure that the data backup should be regularly taken to ensure the safety of valuable data. Here in this post, we are discussing the data recovery methods from the SSD solid-state data recovery.


Reasons for Failure of SSD

  • The extensive use of electronic components produces heat which can spoil the drive.
  • The electronic SSD are more sensitive to things like falling, moisture and loose power supply connections.
  • It is a fact that with time the electronic components wear, and the failure occurs.
  • Another reason for failure is the overuse of external devices which again causes the trouble in working of parts due to overheating.

Inner part of a hard disk drive Seagate Medalist ST33232A

Recovering Data From a Failed SSD Drive

  • An SSD often does not give much warning before it fails. Electronic components don’t begin to provide any clues. They usually work and then they stop working.
  • If your SSD stops working suddenly, it is sad news, but the good news is that in Singapore, you can get it repaired soon at DataX service centre.
  • Robust state drive recovery can be decently achieved by using third party software. TRIM is one such software. It works to keep the data on your SSD organized so that it can be easily and quickly access, but the downside is that it deletes files in the process.
  • If you are unable to recover data yourself, you will need to rely on a data recovery service like DataX in Singapore. This won’t be cheap, so if the data on the drive is not essential, you’ll want to skip it. If the device is under warranty period, contact the service centre, before you repaired them outside. But if the method is older, then it is better to take the estimation before you start the recovery process.

nand flash data recovery chandigarh - physically dead ssd data recovery

Preemptive Measures

The truth is that recovery of data on a hard drive that has failed is difficult and expensive. The steps you took before the drive failed are more effective than the actions you take after. There are specific tools which can be used to monitor the performance of the drives.
Since you can’t predict when a drive will fail, you should treat your solid state drive as if it could fail tomorrow and take the necessary steps to preserve your valuable data in some other device.


The Best Backup Solution

SSD data recovery is not so easy but not impossible too. There are many backup techniques which can be adapted to secure the data like accessing a cloud service for backup or using a parallel device. But in case, you fail to do so; it is better to take it to a service centre and get it repaired from an experienced technician.
Recovering data from the SSD is not fun. You should be aware of the fact rather than getting scared about the situation. All you can do is to prolong the working of such devices. For SSD repairing and recovery, you can contact DataX in Singapore to provide you the best services!

Top Five Popular Annoying iPhone X Problems and Their Correspondent Fixes

iPhone X is living up to the hype by providing many tempting features to the customer. But, the deeper truth is that iPhone X has many major issues, from severe bugs to some software glitches ruining your fun. If you are facing any issue on your iPhone X and looking for a fix then this blog is for you. Keep reading to find the secret of fixing iPhone issues.


Here is a list of top Five annoying iPhone X Problems and their fixes:-

1. Unable to Accept Calls on iPhone X:- First, and foremost a major issue faced by thousands of iPhone User is that they can’t accept calls on their iPhone X.

Fix: One of the possible fixes is to reboot the iPhone. In case, it won’t work then update the phone firmware.

2. Face ID is causing Security issue:- Another common issue with iPhone X is facial recognition. Face ID makes unlocking iPhone X and payment simple tasks. Although, many people didn’t like this idea due to the fact that anyone can take advantage of the facial system in a compromising situation.

Fix: It is recommended to stick with the passcode way to security.

3. Wireless Charging Won’t Work:- The latest iPhone X can be charged wireless. But, shortly after the iPhone X release, many users reported that had a bug and are facing issue with wireless charging.

Fix: Clean the charging pad and make sure that charging socket has the right amount of charge output.

4. Abnormal Battery Drain: It is one of the common issue faced by the user of iPhone X. Though the battery life of iPhone X is better than its previous version but still many users have complained about it.

Fix: Update your iPhone to latest iOS version. Next, diagnose its usage by checking which application is taking too much power. Turn on low power mode and stop background applications.


5. iPhone Overheating: Many users have faced this issue where the iPhone X they were using get overheat after a regular usage. This is not a surprising problem with iPhones and happened due to CPU over usage.


Fix: Remove the case, Close all running application, enter low power mode, dim the display, turn off location service and update your iPhone X software.


So, these are the top five most annoying problem of using iPhone X with their fixes. In case, you face any problems with iPhone other than the mentioned for example Display issues then contact experts for quick iPhone Damage Repair Service.

RAID Data Recovery and Storage Explained

What is RAID all about?

RAID as data storage of substantial information is most common. Basically, RAID stands for Redundant Array of Independent Disks which came into existence in the 1980s and still is used today. The reason behind its wide usage is the tremendous performance and excellent reliability in terms of data storage. Moreover, the commendably high reading and writing ability is way better than other hard drives, and it works on multiple disks at a time. Three goals can be expected to be fulfilled by the RAID, which are improved computer performance, increased storage capacity and refined reliability of data stored.  However, just like other hard drives, it has also defected with various issues sometimes due to wear and tear. So, then one needs the RAID hard drive data recovery.

data x data recovery

Techniques used in the RAID

For the efficient working RAID uses three techniques-

  1. Mirroring- The process that involves making identical copies and storing them on more than one disk is known as mirroring. This technique is useful as it gives a layer of extra safety.
  2. Parity- The method that let you rebuild the data blocks when a drive failure occurs is ‘Parity’ that leads to more reliability and capacity.
  3. Stripping- Process of data allocation in different drives is stripping. This technique enables the easy access of information.

RAID data recovery

When it comes to RAID data loss, one used to hear from various experts even that RAID hard disk data recovery is not easy, and the full recovery chances are rarely there. Moreover, one can witness complete failure when there are numerous issues at a time. However, you can visit a professional service provider, who has an expert team with capable hands on RAID hard drives. Although, various vendors are claiming them as experts so you should know how to differentiate between the real professional and the one who is merely claiming. To find out you can see their previous work, certification and customer reviews.

Raid hard disk data Recovery Services in Singapore

Looking for data recovery options on your hard drives? Now, it is possible to get complete data recovered in a short span of time. While you must be totaling with your damaged hard drive which is frustrating and can consume your valuable time. A simple solution to data recovery is by connecting to professional experts at Data-X so that you don’t have to get frustrated with your hard drive. We at Data-X perform data recovery by which most of the user data get recovered. You can get a hard disk recovery without any hassle. Complete recovery of your data is made possible by Raid Hard Disk Data Recovery services provider Data-X.

data x data recovery

With professional experts, years of experience, proper skills, and the latest technology combined with an unbeatable understanding of the process the promoted service provider Data-X offer one-stop solutions on an issue related to hard disk failures. Facing issues during the use of hard drives, flash drives, and external hard drives create severe drawback for the user. With the data recovery solution provided by Data-X, the user can feel relieved and stress-free.

Whether you accidentally deleted your data or faced a hard drive failure due to which the entire data of your hard drive is cleaned with the professional help offered to the users it becomes really simple to recover the data back on the hard drive. There are quite a few reasons why user faces an issue with their hard drives. This can include logical failures, mechanical failures, electronic failure and complete stopping due to the dropping of the hard drive. Whatever be the reason with Data-X you can find a complete solution!

Must-Know Tips to Find Reliable MacBook Recovery Services in Singapore

Though, from your knowledge, if you have reached to best MacBook recovery services provider in Singapore, but still not able to get reliable services then, of course, you made a wrong decision. Moreover, if you want to give them one more chance after reaching to them for third on the same problem, then you are wasting your time and money both. It’s clear indication that you need to look for another reliable as well trustworthy MacBook recovery services in Singapore. But this time you must follow a procedure to find the best one which is given below:

Perform your homework: First and the most important; you need to take the pain for the fruitful result. Collect reference from your friends, neighbor, relatives, and even the internet to finds to make your list. While doing so, you must also jot down their reviews and rating.


Visit their shops or labs and check their license or authorization. Have face to face interaction and handing over your device for MacBook data recovery services in Singapore, ask them for complete diagnosis and brief you about the problem. You must check their total experience and what another day about their services.

Once you were done with the above two steps, you need to repeat the number of time on different options available for you. Ask them about the privacy of your data at the time of MacBook recovery services Singapore and then make your final decision.

With the above-stated point, you can quickly be going to find a reliable Mac-book recovery in Singapore in the limited period for the satisfactory result.

Why Look for WD External Hard Drive Recovery and How?

Talking about the manufacturing process of your device such as Laptops, PCs; hard disk are mounted and guarded in best possible manner. Being the most complicated and sensitive part in your device these are such designed and stored that minor problem may affect your system. But, apart from all these protection, there are possibilities of failure and crash that lead to the loss of your data. Some of the primary reasons for the crash are:


Accidental file deletion: If you have mistakenly deleted all your files and documents followed by rewriting, then you have to look for professional help.

Virus and malware: Misuses of the Internet, opening websites which are high risk, being connected to the worldwide network are some of the reasons that cause the intervention of viruses into your computer.

Mechanical damages: The Western digital hard drive is much easily prone to damage than the other parts and faces mechanical damage.

Thus, to find reliable WD external hard drive recovery expert in one go, you need to keep few things in mind:

 First and the most important take reference from your friends and colleagues who had earlier gone for such services. Take help of the internet and make the list of the best recovery service provider.

Visit them, discuss the problem, give your device for diagnosing and then make the comparison with other options.

These are a few reasons that you need to look for WD external hard drive recovery and with provided ways to can find the best result.

How to Find the Best Assistance Regarding Hard Drive Data Recovery!

data recovery

Undoubtedly, smart devices like cell phones, laptops, etc. have become the most prized possession of humans today. This is the reason why there is a constant rise in the technology industry. But on the other side, the repairing, maintenance, and hard drive data recovery is also becoming more and more in trend due to a number of problems attached to the working of these products.


The data recovery services can retrieve data from USB drives, DVDs, CDs, hard drives, FireWire drives, SAN, RAID, and NAS. Hard drive data recovery can be defined as the process of retrieving data from the corrupted or damaged media when the normal accessing of data is not possible. Usually, due to the physical damage and logical damage, the problems like data loss in hard drives can be witnessed.

Are you facing problem in accessing your data from hard disk or USB drive? If yes, then connecting to a reliable option in terms of hard drive data recovery services is all you need. The data recovery software can be used to retrieve data in case the data is inaccessible due to the corrupt file system or OS. But on the other side, if there is any physical damage, then you need to rely on the professionals only.

Summing up, by knowing the causes and necessary prevention while working with technical devices; you can easily minimize the chances of failure and damages.

When To Go For Hard Drive Data Recovery Services?

These are the times when you can’t imagine your daily life at your home or office without a laptop or desktop. Being an avid user, there are certain times where you might face weird and abrupt issues with your laptop. Most of the times, these issues are pertaining to the hard drive. This can happen over a course of time, logical problems or due to physical damage. Apart from this, there are several other scenarios where you might have to go for hard drive data recovery services. Want to know about them? Then, keep on reading.


1. One of the most common errors of tall time is hard disk not getting detected. One of the major reason behind this problem is lack of proper power supply to the hard disk. Whenever there is an inadequate power supply, it may cause difficulty in spinning.

2. Another fault that you may face is that the BIOS is not detecting or recognizing the ATA/SATA hard drive. To ensure that this is the main fault, check if you have enabled Drive into BIOS or not, the proper installation of serial ATA and correct jumper settings of the SATA drive. If all these are done properly, then the hard drive is undetected under BIOS and this can be only handled by the professionals.

3. In case, if the external hard drive in the Disk Management or the interface of windows explorer, then don’t fret as it is a minor glitch. It may occur due to some fault with the cables.

4. If you are regularly getting the message of ‘Disk Read Error Occurred’, then this is the right time to visit the professionals. You get such pop ups when there is mechanical hardware failure of the hard drive.

With that being said, these are some of the reasons where you might want to hire the services of professional hard drive data recovery center.


The hard drive is a reliable storage device that stores all our precious data with ease. These hard drives might be external or internal but they sure are a lifesaver for all of us. So, what happens when the hard drive fails or gets accidentally damaged. That is the time when the hard drive data recovery specialists come to our aid.


There is a plethora of data recovery expert in Singapore that specializes in providing the best data recovery service to the customers. These experts have set up their online websites which you can easily find and connect with. Most of the data recovery experts have years of experience in handling even the adverse of situations with ease. Fully equipped with professional tools & equipment, the data recovery experts in Singapore are the ones you can trust your device upon.

The hard drive data recovery experts are proficient enough to extract your data safely from the hard disk. These experts are well renowned for their service. Moreover, you get only one chance to recover your data back, so use it wisely. Contact these leading data recovery experts and get your data back in a quick & hassle-free manner without exceeding your budget.